Virtual training

No matter where you live, we can work together. That is because I am your coach, and will be showing you how to train, interact with, and manage your dog so that they can be set up for success! The quality is the exact same, as my expertise doesn’t change whether I am in the room with you or not.

Why virtual?

The main benefits of virtual versus in-home training includes…

  1. Scheduling is more flexible

  2. Minimal distractions and more focus

  3. Dog can act more organically without the distraction of a person in their home (if I need to see a specific behavior such as separation distress)

  4. More communicative. Since we are working virtually, we can keep in contact more often, rather than seeing you in person every 2-3 weeks.

How does it work?

Virtual sessions are usually over Zoom or FaceTime (whichever you prefer). We start by discussing the problems and concerns in detail (same exact way as the in-home sessions) and I typically ask to see a video (which you can send me) of the problem behavior so we can analyze it together. Then I can follow up with additional questions to get a better understanding of it.

With each session, I coach you through management strategies, environmental changes, enrichment activities as well as training exercises which I guide you step-by-step on, in order to insure you understand all of the content properly.

We meet either weekly or bi-weekly, keeping in touch via email and the Google Drive folder I send you. There you can upload videos and notes of the behaviors, and I can comment feedback.