Services and Pricing

Puppy training

(For pups 2-4 months old)


My private, in-home puppy training is personalized towards your goals. I work to address all of the common puppy problems.

Things covered in my puppy package and training sessions:

  • Biting, jumping, whining, barking, digging, nipping, etc

  • Focus and impulse control work

  • Socialization (the right way!) that is safe, and positive

  • Foundation skills: sit, down, stay, come, loose leash walking, leave it, drop it, “go to your mat,” and more

  • Crate training and potty training

  • Mental stimulation games, techniques, and tricks

  • Kid to puppy interactions (how they should interact, how to manage, etc)

  • Separation training (being comfortable left alone)


General Private Training Sessions

Private lessons start in-home, and depending on your goals, we may move on to various environments to make cues and behaviors reliable.

Reasons why you may select a private session:

  • Building foundation skills such as: leave it, drop, recall, sit, down, stay, place, heel

  • Focus and impulse control work

  • Building manners and appropriate behaviors


Behavior Modification

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Do you need help managing behaviors and getting your pup to feel happier and less stressed? Behavior modification training may be for you. We can work on a variety of behavioral issues including:

  • Separation anxiety

  • Resource guarding

  • Leash reactivity

  • Fear-based aggression

  • General aggression towards people, dogs, children, objects, etc

  • Phobias

  • Over excitement and lack of impulse control

  • House Soiling

  • Compulsive Behaviors

  • Excessive Vocalization

  • Attention Seeking

  • Inappropriate behaviors


First session: initial assessment and training plan set-up

(All clients start here)

In our first session, we go over the behavioral issues or problems you're experiencing with your dog in detail. I'll ask you questions about your dog's behavioral history and background, how long the problems have occurred, etc. We’ll go over a diagnosis, management, safety, and what a treatment for these issues looks like. If needed, we may discuss the possibility of testing through your vet if there are underlying issues. This lasts anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours.

We will go through an assessment (if your dog experiences reactivity, I want you to send me as many videos of the behavior as possible, as long as it is safe.) We will then discuss these videos in detail.

Then after this, we'll set up your personalized training plan to combat these issues and set your dog up for success. I’ll give you things to work on until our next session, as we need to build a foundation.

Vet visit within the last 3-6 months is required for me to see you, as I need to rule out any underlying or potential medical issues causing behavioral problems.